Sunday, May 17, 2009


The short and sweet of it is that "lin-suh" is a word they use for conditioner - the kind women and some men put in their hair after they wash it with "shampoo" (which sounds the same in English and Korean). Last year, Jen had me look at a bottle of something and tell her what it actually was. She had previously gone to the store to look for Lin-suh but had accidentally picked up shampoo instead. So THIS time, she had me read the Korean (I sounded out Lin-suh and told her it was conditioner). When she got over her excitement she noticed the bottle was a little dirty and traded it with the bottle that was beside it. You guessed it ---- when she took the bottle out of the bag at the house, she read the Korean "shampoo!"

Needless to say, we haven't bought a bottle of shampoo in long time. We DID have to go back to the store for a bottle of conditioner.

That's all for today, enjoy the next question.

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